Windows SEH学习 x86
windows 提供的异常处理机制实际上只是一个简单的框架。我们通常所用的异常处理(比如 C++ 的 throw、try、catch)都是编译器在系统提供的异常处理机制上进行加工了的增强版本。这里先抛开增强版的不提,先说原始版本。
原始版本的机制很简单:谁都可以触发异常,谁都可以处理异常(只要它能看得见)。但是不管是触发还是处理都得先注册。系统把这些注册信息保存在一个链表里,并且这个链表保存在线程的数据结构里。也就是说,异常所涉及的一些行为都是线程相关的。比如,线程 T1 触发的异常就只能由线程 T1 来处理,其他线程根本就不知道 T1 发生了什么事,更不会处理。等注册完毕后,线程就可以抛出或处理异常了,系统也可以做相应的管理工作了。系统提供的管理工作简单来说包括(但不限于):找到触发异常的线程的异常处理链表(前面注册的那个),然后按照规则对该异常进行分发,根据分发后的处理结果再进行下一步的分发或者结束处理。 系统管理所使用的数据结构:- #define EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END ((struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD * POINTER_32)-1)
- ExceptionContinueExecution,
- ExceptionContinueSearch,
- ExceptionNestedException,
- ExceptionCollidedUnwind
- typedef struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD {
- DWORD ExceptionCode;
- DWORD ExceptionFlags;
- struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord;
- PVOID ExceptionAddress;
- DWORD NumberParameters;
- typedef
- IN struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord,
- IN PVOID EstablisherFrame,
- IN OUT struct _CONTEXT *ContextRecord,
- IN OUT PVOID DispatcherContext
- );
- //指向下一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD,由此构成一个异常注册信息链表。
- //链表中的最后一个结点会将 Next 置为 EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END,表示链表到此结束。
- PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE Handler; //指向异常处理函数
当接收到异常后,系统找到当前线程的异常链表,从链表中的第一个结点开始遍历,找到一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD 就调用它的 Handler,并把该异常(类型为 EXCEPTION_RECORD 的参数)表示传递给该 Handler,Handler 处理并返回一个类型为 EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION 的枚举值。该返回值指示系统下一步该做什么:
ExceptionContinueExecution 表示:已经处理了异常,回到异常触发点继续执行。 ExceptionContinueSearch 表示:没有处理异常,继续遍历异常链表。 ExceptionCollidedUnwind 表示在展开过程中再次触发异常。ExceptionNestedException这里先不做解释
首先,CPU 执行的指令触发了异常,CPU 改执行 IDT 中 KiTrap??,KiTrap?? 会调用 KiDispatchException。
该函数原型如下: 功能如名字一样,分发异常
- VOID KiDispatchException (
- IN BOOLEAN FirstChance );
检查 ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
如果是 STATUS_BREAKPOINT,那么将 CONTEXT::Eip 减一;如果是 KI_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION,那么将检查是否是由 AtlThunk 触发(这个小环节没有深究),如果是触发 NX(不可执行),那么将 ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation [0] 置为 0(貌似表示触发操作的类型,0表示读、1表示写),MSDN有详细解释,推荐阅读如果 PreviousMode 是 KernelMode, 那么如果 FirstChance 为 TRUE,那么将该异常传达给内核调试器,如果内核调试器没有处理,那么调用 RtlDispatchException 进行处理。 如果 FirstChance 为 FALSE,那么再次将该异常传达给内核调试器,如果内核调试器没有处理,那么 BUGCHECK。如果 PreviousMode 是 UserMode, 那么,如果 FirstChance 为 TRUE,那么将该异常传达给内核调试器,如果内核调试器没有处理,那么将异常传达给应用层调试器。 如果仍然没有处理,那么将 KTRAP_FRAME 和 EXCEPTION_RECORD 拷贝到 UserMode 的栈中,并设置 KTRAP_FRAME::Eip 设置为 ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher,返回(将该异常交由应用层异常处理程序进行处理)。 如果 FirstChance 为 FALSE,那么再次将异常传达给应用层调试器,如果仍然没有处理,那么调用 ZwTerminateProcess 结束进程,并 BUGCHECK。- VOID
- KiDispatchException (
- IN BOOLEAN FirstChance
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function is called to dispatch an exception to the proper mode and
- to cause the exception dispatcher to be called. If the previous mode is
- kernel, then the exception dispatcher is called directly to process the
- exception. Otherwise the exception record, exception frame, and trap
- frame contents are copied to the user mode stack. The contents of the
- exception frame and trap are then modified such that when control is
- returned, execution will commense in user mode in a routine which will
- call the exception dispatcher.
- Arguments:
- ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
- ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame. For NT386,
- this should be NULL.
- TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame.
- PreviousMode - Supplies the previous processor mode.
- FirstChance - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether this is
- the first (TRUE) or second (FALSE) chance for the exception.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- CONTEXT ContextRecord;
- BOOLEAN DebugService;
- EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord1;
- BOOLEAN ExceptionWasForwarded = FALSE;
- ULONG64 FaultingRsp;
- PMACHINE_FRAME MachineFrame;
- ULONG64 UserStack1;
- ULONG64 UserStack2;
- //
- // Move machine state from trap and exception frames to a context frame
- // and increment the number of exceptions dispatched.
- //
- KeGetCurrentPrcb()->KeExceptionDispatchCount += ;
- //在当前栈中分配一个 CONTEXT,调用 KeContextFromKframes 初始化它
- KeContextFromKframes(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, &ContextRecord);
- //
- // If the exception is a break point, then convert the break point to a
- // fault.
- //
- if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_BREAKPOINT) {
- ContextRecord.Rip -= ;
- }
- //
- // If the exception is an internal general protect fault, invalid opcode,
- // or integer divide by zero, then attempt to resolve the problem without
- // actually raising an exception.
- //
- if (KiPreprocessFault(ExceptionRecord,
- TrapFrame,
- &ContextRecord,
- PreviousMode) != FALSE) {
- goto Handled1;
- }
- //
- // Select the method of handling the exception based on the previous mode.
- //
- if (PreviousMode == KernelMode) {
- //
- // Previous mode was kernel.
- //
- // If the kernel debugger is active, then give the kernel debugger
- // the first chance to handle the exception. If the kernel debugger
- // handles the exception, then continue execution. Otherwise, attempt
- // to dispatch the exception to a frame based handler. If a frame
- // based handler handles the exception, then continue execution.
- //
- // If a frame based handler does not handle the exception, give the
- // kernel debugger a second chance, if it's present.
- //
- // If the exception is still unhandled call bugcheck.
- //
- if (FirstChance != FALSE) {
- if ((KiDebugRoutine)(TrapFrame, //内核调试器处理 KdpTrap KdpStub
- ExceptionFrame,
- ExceptionRecord,
- &ContextRecord,
- PreviousMode,
- FALSE) != FALSE) {
- goto Handled1;
- }
- //
- // Kernel debugger didn't handle exception.
- //
- // If interrupts are disabled, then bugcheck.
- //
- if (RtlDispatchException(ExceptionRecord, &ContextRecord) != FALSE) {
- goto Handled1;
- }
- }
- //
- // This is the second chance to handle the exception.
- //
- if ((KiDebugRoutine)(TrapFrame,
- ExceptionFrame,
- ExceptionRecord,
- &ContextRecord,
- PreviousMode,
- TRUE) != FALSE) {
- goto Handled1;
- }
- //蓝屏
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
- (ULONG64)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress,
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[],
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[]);
- } else { //UserMode
- //
- // Previous mode was user.
- //
- // If this is the first chance and the current process has a debugger
- // port, then send a message to the debugger port and wait for a reply.
- // If the debugger handles the exception, then continue execution. Else
- // transfer the exception information to the user stack, transition to
- // user mode, and attempt to dispatch the exception to a frame based
- // handler. If a frame based handler handles the exception, then continue
- // execution with the continue system service. Else execute the
- // NtRaiseException system service with FirstChance == FALSE, which
- // will call this routine a second time to process the exception.
- //
- // If this is the second chance and the current process has a debugger
- // port, then send a message to the debugger port and wait for a reply.
- // If the debugger handles the exception, then continue execution. Else
- // if the current process has a subsystem port, then send a message to
- // the subsystem port and wait for a reply. If the subsystem handles the
- // exception, then continue execution. Else terminate the process.
- //
- // If the current process is a wow64 process, an alignment fault has
- // occurred, and the AC bit is set in EFLAGS, then clear AC in EFLAGS
- // and continue execution. Otherwise, attempt to resolve the exception.
- //
- if ((PsGetCurrentProcess()->Wow64Process != NULL) &&
- (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) &&
- ((TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_AC_MASK) != )) {
- TrapFrame->EFlags &= ~EFLAGS_AC_MASK;
- goto Handled2;
- }
- //
- // If the exception happened while executing 32-bit code, then convert
- // the exception to a wow64 exception. These codes are translated later
- // by wow64.
- //
- if ((ContextRecord.SegCs & 0xfff8) == KGDT64_R3_CMCODE) {
- switch (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode) {
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_WX86_BREAKPOINT;
- break;
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode = STATUS_WX86_SINGLE_STEP;
- break;
- }
- //
- // Clear the upper 32-bits of the stack address and 16-byte
- // align the stack address.
- //
- FaultingRsp = (ContextRecord.Rsp & 0xfffffff0UI64);
- } else {
- FaultingRsp = ContextRecord.Rsp;
- }
- if (FirstChance == TRUE) {
- //
- // This is the first chance to handle the exception.
- //
- // If the current processor is not being debugged and user mode
- // exceptions are not being ignored, or this is a debug service,
- // then attempt to handle the exception via the kernel debugger.
- //
- DebugService = KdIsThisAKdTrap(ExceptionRecord,
- &ContextRecord,
- UserMode);
- if (((PsGetCurrentProcess()->DebugPort == NULL) &&
- (KdIgnoreUmExceptions == FALSE)) ||
- (DebugService == TRUE)) {
- //
- // Attempt to handle the exception with the kernel debugger.
- //
- if ((KiDebugRoutine)(TrapFrame,
- ExceptionFrame,
- ExceptionRecord,
- &ContextRecord,
- PreviousMode,
- FALSE) != FALSE) {
- goto Handled1;
- }
- }
- if ((ExceptionWasForwarded == FALSE) &&
- (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, TRUE, FALSE))) {
- goto Handled2;
- }
- //
- // Clear the trace flag in the trap frame so a spurious trace
- // trap is guaranteed not to occur in the trampoline code.
- //
- TrapFrame->EFlags &= ~EFLAGS_TF_MASK;
- //
- // Transfer exception information to the user stack, transition
- // to user mode, and attempt to dispatch the exception to a frame
- // based handler.
- //
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionCode = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION;
- repeat:
- try {
- //
- // Compute address of aligned machine frame, compute address
- // of exception record, compute address of context record,
- // and probe user stack for writeability.
- //
- MachineFrame =
- UserStack1 = (ULONG64)MachineFrame - EXCEPTION_RECORD_LENGTH;
- UserStack2 = UserStack1 - CONTEXT_LENGTH;
- ProbeForWriteSmallStructure((PVOID)UserStack2,
- //
- // Fill in machine frame information.
- //
- MachineFrame->Rsp = FaultingRsp;
- MachineFrame->Rip = ContextRecord.Rip;
- //
- // Copy exception record to the user stack.
- //
- *(PEXCEPTION_RECORD)UserStack1 = *ExceptionRecord;
- //
- // Copy context record to the user stack.
- //
- *(PCONTEXT)UserStack2 = ContextRecord;
- //
- // Set the address of the new stack pointer in the current
- // trap frame.
- //
- TrapFrame->Rsp = UserStack2;
- //
- // Set the user mode 64-bit code selector.
- //
- TrapFrame->SegCs = KGDT64_R3_CODE | RPL_MASK;
- //
- // Set the address of the exception routine that will call the
- // exception dispatcher and then return to the trap handler.
- // The trap handler will restore the exception and trap frame
- // context and continue execution in the routine that will
- // call the exception dispatcher.
- //
- TrapFrame->Rip = (ULONG64)KeUserExceptionDispatcher;
- return;
- } except (KiCopyInformation(&ExceptionRecord1,
- (GetExceptionInformation())->ExceptionRecord)) {
- //
- // If the exception is a stack overflow, then attempt to
- // raise the stack overflow exception. Otherwise, the user's
- // stack is not accessible, or is misaligned, and second
- // chance processing is performed.
- //
- if (ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionCode == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW) {
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionAddress = ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress;
- *ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord1;
- goto repeat;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // This is the second chance to handle the exception.
- //
- if (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, TRUE, TRUE)) {
- goto Handled2;
- } else if (DbgkForwardException(ExceptionRecord, FALSE, TRUE)) {
- goto Handled2;
- } else {
- ZwTerminateProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode);
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode,
- (ULONG64)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress,
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[],
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[]);
- }
- }
- //
- // Move machine state from context frame to trap and exception frames and
- // then return to continue execution with the restored state.
- //
- Handled1:
- KeContextToKframes(TrapFrame,
- ExceptionFrame,
- &ContextRecord,
- ContextRecord.ContextFlags,
- PreviousMode);
- //
- // Exception was handled by the debugger or the associated subsystem
- // and state was modified, if necessary, using the get state and set
- // state capabilities. Therefore the context frame does not need to
- // be transferred to the trap and exception frames.
- //
- Handled2:
- return;
- }
遍历当前线程的异常链表,挨个调用 RtlpExecuteHandlerForException,RtlpExecuteHandlerForException 会调用异常处理函数。再根据返回值做出不同的处理:
对于 ExceptionContinueExecution,结束遍历,返回。(对于标记为‘EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE’的异常,会调用 RtlRaiseException。)
对于 ExceptionContinueSearch,继续遍历下一个结点;对于 ExceptionNestedException,则从指定的新异常继续遍历;只有正确处理 ExceptionContinueExecution 才会返回 TRUE,其他情况都返回 FALSE。- BOOLEAN
- RtlDispatchException (
- IN PCONTEXT ContextRecord
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function attempts to dispatch an exception to a call frame based
- handler by searching backwards through the stack based call frames. The
- search begins with the frame specified in the context record and continues
- backward until either a handler is found that handles the exception, the
- stack is found to be invalid (i.e., out of limits or unaligned), or the end
- of the call hierarchy is reached.
- Arguments:
- ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
- ContextRecord - Supplies a pointer to a context record.
- Return Value:
- If the exception is handled by one of the frame based handlers, then
- a value of TRUE is returned. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returned.
- --*/
- {
- BOOLEAN Completion = FALSE;
- DISPATCHER_CONTEXT DispatcherContext;
- ULONG HighAddress;
- ULONG HighLimit;
- ULONG LowLimit;
- EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord1;
- ULONG Index;
- //
- // Get current stack limits.
- //
- RtlpGetStackLimits(&LowLimit, &HighLimit);
- //
- // Start with the frame specified by the context record and search
- // backwards through the call frame hierarchy attempting to find an
- // exception handler that will handler the exception.
- //
- RegistrationPointer = RtlpGetRegistrationHead();
- NestedRegistration = ;
- while (RegistrationPointer != EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END) {
- //
- // If the call frame is not within the specified stack limits or the
- // call frame is unaligned, then set the stack invalid flag in the
- // exception record and return FALSE. Else check to determine if the
- // frame has an exception handler.
- //
- HighAddress = (ULONG)RegistrationPointer +
- if ( ((ULONG)RegistrationPointer < LowLimit) ||
- (HighAddress > HighLimit) ||
- (((ULONG)RegistrationPointer & )
- ) {
- //
- // Allow for the possibility that the problem occured on the
- // DPC stack.
- //
- ULONG TestAddress = (ULONG)RegistrationPointer;
- ) &&
- KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL) {
- PKPRCB Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
- ULONG DpcStack = (ULONG)Prcb->DpcStack;
- if ((Prcb->DpcRoutineActive) &&
- (HighAddress <= DpcStack) &&
- (TestAddress >= DpcStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)) {
- //
- // This error occured on the DPC stack, switch
- // stack limits to the DPC stack and restart
- // the loop.
- //
- HighLimit = DpcStack;
- LowLimit = DpcStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE;
- continue;
- }
- }
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID;
- goto DispatchExit;
- }
- // See if the handler is reasonable
- if (!RtlIsValidHandler(RegistrationPointer->Handler)) {
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID;
- goto DispatchExit;
- }
- //
- // The handler must be executed by calling another routine
- // that is written in assembler. This is required because
- // up level addressing of the handler information is required
- // when a nested exception is encountered.
- //
- Index = RtlpLogExceptionHandler(
- ExceptionRecord,
- ContextRecord,
- ,
- (PULONG)RegistrationPointer,
- * sizeof(ULONG));
- // because we need the 2 dwords above it.
- }
- Disposition = RtlpExecuteHandlerForException(
- ExceptionRecord,
- (PVOID)RegistrationPointer,
- ContextRecord,
- (PVOID)&DispatcherContext,
- (PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE)RegistrationPointer->Handler);
- RtlpLogLastExceptionDisposition(Index, Disposition);
- }
- //
- // If the current scan is within a nested context and the frame
- // just examined is the end of the context region, then clear
- // the nested context frame and the nested exception in the
- // exception flags.
- //
- if (NestedRegistration == RegistrationPointer) {
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags &= (~EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL);
- NestedRegistration = ;
- }
- //
- // Case on the handler disposition.
- //
- switch (Disposition) {
- //
- // The disposition is to continue execution. If the
- // exception is not continuable, then raise the exception
- // TRUE.
- //
- case ExceptionContinueExecution :
- if ((ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags &
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionCode =
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
- ExceptionRecord1.NumberParameters = ;
- RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord1);
- } else {
- Completion = TRUE;
- goto DispatchExit;
- }
- //
- // The disposition is to continue the search. If the frame isn't
- // suspect/corrupt, get next frame address and continue the search
- //
- case ExceptionContinueSearch :
- if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID)
- goto DispatchExit;
- break;
- //
- // The disposition is nested exception. Set the nested
- // context frame to the establisher frame address and set
- // nested exception in the exception flags.
- //
- case ExceptionNestedException :
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL;
- if (DispatcherContext.RegistrationPointer > NestedRegistration) {
- NestedRegistration = DispatcherContext.RegistrationPointer;
- }
- break;
- //
- // All other disposition values are invalid. Raise
- // invalid disposition exception.
- //
- default :
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionCode = STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
- ExceptionRecord1.NumberParameters = ;
- RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord1);
- break;
- }
- //
- // If chain goes in wrong direction or loops, report an
- // invalid exception stack, otherwise go on to the next one.
- //
- RegistrationPointer = RegistrationPointer->Next;
- }
- //
- // Call vectored continue handlers.
- //
- DispatchExit:
- return Completion;
- }
RtlDispatchException 源代码
- RtlpExecuteHandlerForException (
- IN PVOID EstablisherFrame,
- IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextRecord,
- IN OUT PVOID DispatcherContext,
- );
- kd> dt _ETHREAD
- ntdll!_ETHREAD
- +0x000 Tcb : _KTHREAD
- kd> dt _KTHREAD
- ntdll!_KTHREAD
- ......
- +0x074 Teb : Ptr32 Void
- kd> dt _TEB
- ntdll!_TEB
- +0x000 NtTib : _NT_TIB
- kd> dt _NT_TIB
- ntdll!_NT_TIB
- +0x000 ExceptionList : Ptr32 _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD //异常处理链表
- +0x004 StackBase : Ptr32 Void
- +0x008 StackLimit : Ptr32 Void
- +0x00c SubSystemTib : Ptr32 Void
- +0x010 FiberData : Ptr32 Void
- +0x010 Version : Uint4B
- +0x014 ArbitraryUserPointer : Ptr32 Void
- +0x018 Self : Ptr32 _NT_TIB
系统根据FS寄存器来寻找异常处理链表,在应用层,FS 寄存器“指向”当前执行线程的 _TEB 结构体。
在内核层,FS 寄存器“指向”另一个跟 CPU 相关的结构体:_KPCR,来看看它的结构,
- kd> dt _kpcr
- nt!_KPCR
- +0x000 NtTib : _NT_TIB
- +0x000 Used_ExceptionList : Ptr32 _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD
- ......省略
与 _TEB 一样,它的第一个域成员也是 _NT_TIB,只不过此时是 nt!_NT_TIB,而在应用层是 ntdll!_NT_TIB,但它们的结构是一样的。
这样,不论在应用层还是在内核层,系统都可以使用 FS:[0] 找到异常链表。总结一下异常处理调用流程
硬件异常:CPU 检测到异常 -> KiTrap?? -> KiDispatchException -> RtlDispatchException -> RtlpExecuteHandlerForException软件异常:RtlRaiseException -> RtlDispatchException -> RtlpExecuteHandlerForException接下来看看RtlRaiseException 函数,大致流程就是:
首先调用 RtlDispatchException 分发异常,如果 RtlDispatchException 成功分发,有处理函数处理了这个异常,那么结束本函数。
如果没有成功分发,那么调用 ZwRaiseException 再次触发该异常,这次传入的异常的 FirstChance 被置为 FALSE。- DECLSPEC_NOINLINE
- RtlRaiseException (
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function raises a software exception by building a context record
- and calling the raise exception system service.
- Arguments:
- ExceptionRecord - Supplies a pointer to an exception record.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- CONTEXT ContextRecord;
- ULONG64 ControlPc;
- ULONG64 EstablisherFrame;
- PVOID HandlerData;
- ULONG64 ImageBase;
- //
- // Capture the current context, unwind to the caller of this routine, set
- // the exception address, and call the appropriate exception dispatcher.
- //
- RtlCaptureContext(&ContextRecord);
- ControlPc = ContextRecord.Rip;
- FunctionEntry = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(ControlPc, &ImageBase, NULL);
- if (FunctionEntry != NULL) {
- RtlVirtualUnwind(UNW_FLAG_NHANDLER,
- ImageBase,
- ControlPc,
- FunctionEntry,
- &ContextRecord,
- &HandlerData,
- &EstablisherFrame,
- NULL);
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)ContextRecord.Rip;
- if (RtlDispatchException(ExceptionRecord, &ContextRecord) != FALSE) {
- return;
- }
- Status = ZwRaiseException(ExceptionRecord, &ContextRecord, FALSE);
- }
- //
- // There should never be a return from either exception dispatch or the
- // system service unless there is a problem with the argument list itself.
- // Raise another exception specifying the status value returned.
- //
- RtlRaiseStatus(Status);
- return;
- }
到这里,系统提供的 SEH 机制,大致完毕,我们可以回顾一下:
1. 系统的SEH的实现较简单,代码量不大,而且 wrk 基本上有所有关键函数的实现代码。2. 系统的SEH的功能过于简单,实际过程中很难直接使用。整个异常处理过程无非就是遍历异常链表,挨个调用异常注册信息的处理函数, 如果其中有某个处理函数处理了该异常(返回值为 ExceptionContinueExecution), 那么就从异常触发点(如果是断点异常,则要回退一个字节的指令(int 3 指令本身))重新执行。 否则不管是整个链表中没有找到合适的处理函数(返回值为 ExceptionContinueSearch), 或者遍历过程中出现问题(返回值为 ExceptionNestedException),系统都会简单粗暴的 BUGCHECK。那么问题来了:
- struct scopetable_entry *scopetable; //类型为 scopetable_entry 的数组
- int trylevel; //数组下标,用来索引 scopetable 中的数组成员。
- int _ebp; //包含该 _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION 结构体的函数的栈帧指针。
- //对于没有 FPO 优化过的函数,一开头通常有个 push ebp 的操作,_ebp 的值就是被压入的 ebp 的值
- };
也就是说它沿用了系统SEH的注册信息结构,只是在域成员名称上做了些改动,把 Next 改名为 prev,把 Handler 改为 handler。
- scopetable_entry
- +0x000 previousTryLevel : Uint4B
- +0x004 lpfnFilter : Ptr32 int
- +0x008 lpfnHandler : Ptr32 int
按照原始版本的设计,每一对“触发异常-处理异常”都会有一个注册信息即 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD。
也就是说,如果按照原始的设计,每一个 __try/__except(__finally) 都应该对应一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION。但是实际的 MSC(微软编译器,我用的VS2010)实现不是这样的。真正的实现是:每个使用 __try/__except(__finally) 的函数,不管其内部嵌套或反复使用多少 __try/__except(__finally),都只注册一遍,即只将一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION 挂入当前线程的异常链表中(对于递归函数,每一次调用都会创建一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION,并挂入线程的异常链表中,这是另外一回事)。那如何处理函数内部出现的多个 __try/__except(__finally) 呢?
这多个 __except 代码块的功能可能大不相同,而注册信息 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION 中只能提供一个处理函数 handler,怎么办?MSC 的做法是,MSC 提供一个处理函数,即 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::handler 被设置为 MSC 的某个函数,而不是我们自己提供的 __except 代码块。
我们自己提供的多个 __except 块被存储在 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::scopetable 数组中。我们看看上面的 scopetable_entry 定义,由于我没有找到它的定义代码,所以就贴了 windbg 中 dt 输出结果。其中 scopetable_entry::lpfnHandler 就是程序猿提供的 __except 异常处理块代码。而 lpfnFilter 就是 __except 的过滤块代码。对于 __finally 代码块,其 lpfnFilter 被置为 NULL,lpfnHandler 就是其包含的代码块。下面,我们用一小段简单的伪代码来学习
- VOID SimpleSEH()
- {
- __try
- {
- }
- __except(ExceptionFilter_0(...))
- {
- ExceptCodeBlock_0;
- }
- __try
- {
- __try
- { //假设触发异常
- }
- __except(ExceptionFilter_1(...))
- {
- ExceptCodeBlock_1;
- }
- }
- __except(ExceptionFilter_2(...))
- {
- ExceptCodeBlock_2;
- }
- }
编译时,编译器会为 SimpleSeh 分配一个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION 和一个拥有3个成员的 scopetable 数组,并将 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::scopetable 指向该数组(请留意:EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::scopetable 只是一个指针,不是数组)。然后按照 __try 关键字出现的顺序,将对应的__except/__finally 都存入该数组,步骤如下:
scopetable[0].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_0;
scopetable[0].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_0;scopetable[1].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_1;
scopetable[1].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_1;scopetable[2].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_2;
scopetable[2].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_2;我们假象当前开始执行 SimpleSEH 函数,在行16和17行之间触发了异常。
根据之前的流程:RtlRaiseException -> RtlDispatchException -> RtlpExecuteHandlerForException。RtlpExecuteHandlerForException 会调用注册信息中的处理函数,即 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::handler。该函数是由 MSC 提供的,内部会依次调用 scopetable 中的 lpfnHandler。那咱们来模拟执行一下,在16和17行之前触发异常,那应该先从 scopetable[2] 的 ExceptionFilter_2 开始执行,假设该函数返回 EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH,那接下来应该是 scopetable[1];假设 ExceptionFilter_1 也返回 EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;那么接下来是不是就应该轮到 scopetable[0] 了?不是。再看看上面的伪代码,行16和行17之间的代码并没处于第一个 __try/__except 的范围中,该异常轮不到 scopetable[0] 来处理。那怎么办?SimpleSEH 执行的过程中怎么知道到 scopetable[1] 就应该停止?MSC 是通过 scopetable_entry::previousTryLevel 来解决这个问题的。上面数组的设置,完整的形式其实是这样:
- scopetable[].previousTryLevel = TRYLEVEL_NONE;
- scopetable[].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_0;
- scopetable[].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_0;
- scopetable[].previousTryLevel = TRYLEVEL_NONE;
- scopetable[].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_1;
- scopetable[].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_1;
- scopetable[].previousTryLevel = ;
- scopetable[].lpfnFilter = ExceptionFilter_2;
- scopetable[].lpfnHandler = ExceptCodeBlock_2;
scopetable_entry::previousTryLevel 包含的意思是“下一个该轮到数组下标为 previousTryLevel 的单元了”。
当 scopetable_entry::previousTryLevel 等于 TRYLEVEL_NONE(-1) 时,就会停止遍历 scopetable。
咱再来模拟执行一遍,当14和15行之间触发异常时,首先遍历到 scopetable[2],处理完后,找到 scopetable[2].previousTryLevel,发现其值为1,那么遍历到 scopetable[1],处理完后,找到 scopetable[1].previousTryLevel,发现其值为 TRYLEVEL_NONE,于是停止遍历。
首先,执行 scopetable[2],然后在 scopetable[1],然后……(省略若干同上字)。停!这次的异常是在第一个 __try/__except 中触发的,轮不到 scopetable[2] 来处理,怎么办?这个时候就轮到 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::trylevel 出场了。EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::trylevel 的作用就是标识从那个数组单元开始遍历。
与 scopetable_entry::previousTryLevel 不同,EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::trylevel 是动态变化的,也就是说,这个值在 SimpleSeh 执行过程中是会经常改变的。比如:执行到行4和行5之间,该值就会被修改为0;执行到第12行,该值被修改为1;执行到14行,该值为2。这样,当异常触发时候,MSC 就能正确的遍历 scopetable 了。到目前位置,已经熟悉了增强版的概要流程。下面结合真实代码来分析。代码分为三块:SEH 创建代码、MSC 提供的 handler 函数,以及展开函数。
- #define EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE 0x1 // Noncontinuable exception
- #define EXCEPTION_UNWINDING 0x2 // Unwind is in progress
- #define EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND 0x4 // Exit unwind is in progress
- #define EXCEPTION_STACK_INVALID 0x8 // Stack out of limits or unaligned
- #define EXCEPTION_NESTED_CALL 0x10 // Nested exception handler call
- #define EXCEPTION_TARGET_UNWIND 0x20 // Target unwind in progress
- #define EXCEPTION_COLLIDED_UNWIND 0x40 // Collided exception handler call
- +0x000 ExceptionCode : Int4B
- +0x004 ExceptionFlags : Uint4B
- +0x008 ExceptionRecord : Ptr32 _EXCEPTION_RECORD
- +0x00c ExceptionAddress : Ptr32 Void
- +0x010 NumberParameters : Uint4B
- +] Uint4B
- ExceptionContinueExecution,
- ExceptionContinueSearch,
- ExceptionNestedException,
- ExceptionCollidedUnwind
- // scopetable_entry::lpfnFilter 的返回值,也就是 __except 过滤块的返回值
一、SEH 创建代码
- #include <ntifs.h>
- #include <devioctl.h>
- VOID TestSeh();
- LONG Filter_0();
- LONG Filter_2();
- DriverEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObj, IN PUNICODE_STRING pRegistryString)
- {
- TestSeh();
- }
- VOID TestSeh()
- {
- ULONG ulVal = ;
- __try // 第一个 __try 域
- {
- ulVal = 0x11111111; // 最后一位为1表示“在 __try 代码块中”
- }
- __except(Filter_0())
- {
- ulVal = 0x11111110; // 最后一位为0表示“在 __except/__finally 代码块中”
- }
- __try // 第二个 __try 域
- {
- ulVal = 0x22222222;
- __try // 第三个 __try 域
- {
- ulVal = 0x33333333;
- *((ULONG*)NULL) = ulVal; // 触发异常
- }
- __finally
- {
- ulVal = 0x33333330;
- }
- }
- __except(Filter_2())
- {
- ulVal = 0x22222220;
- }
- return;
- }
- LONG Filter_0()
- {
- }
- LONG Filter_2()
- {
- }
将生成的文件用Ida反汇编查看,TestSeh() 函数如下
- . ; _DWORD __stdcall TestSeh()
- . _TestSeh@0 proc near ; CODE XREF: DriverEntry(x,x)+5p
- .
- . ulVal = dword ptr -1Ch
- . ms_exc = CPPEH_RECORD ptr -18h
- .
- . mov edi, edi
- . push ebp
- . mov ebp, esp
- . push 0FFFFFFFEh
- . push offset scopetable ; ExceptionRegister->scopetable
- .text:0001103C push offset __except_handler4 ; ExceptionRegistration-->handler 系统自己的
- . ; prev
- . push eax
- . add esp, 0FFFFFFF4h
- .text:0001104B push ebx
- .text:0001104C push esi
- .text:0001104D push edi
- .text:0001104E mov eax, ___security_cookie
- . xor [ebp+ms_exc.registration.ScopeTable], eax ; 对scopetable进行加密
- . xor eax, ebp ; 对security_cookie进行异或加密
- . push eax
- . lea eax, [ebp+ms_exc.registration]
- ., eax ; registration挂入线程异常链表
- . mov [ebp+ms_exc.old_esp], esp
- .
- . ; 进入第一个__try域,TryLevel=0
- . mov [ebp+ulVal], 11111111h
- .text:0001107A mov [ebp+ms_exc.registration.TryLevel], 0FFFFFFFEh ; 离开第一个__try域,TryLevel=TRYLEVEL_NONE (-2)
- . jmp short loc_1109A
- . ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- . $LN7: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:scopetableo
- . call _Filter_0@0 ; Exception filter 0 for function 11030
- .
- . $LN9:
- . retn
- . ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- . $LN8: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:scopetableo
- . mov esp, [ebp+ms_exc.old_esp] ; Exception handler 0 for function 11030
- .text:0001108C mov [ebp+ulVal], 11111110h
- . mov [ebp+ms_exc.registration.TryLevel], 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:0001109A
- .text:0001109A loc_1109A: ; CODE XREF: TestSeh()+51j
- . ; 第二个__try域,TryLevel=1
- .text:000110A1 mov [ebp+ulVal], 22222222h
- . ; 第三个__try域,TryLevel=2
- .text:000110AF mov [ebp+ulVal], 33333333h
- .text:000110B6 mov eax, [ebp+ulVal]
- ., eax ; *((ULONG*)NULL) = ulVal; 触发异常
- . ; 离开第三个__try域,TryLevel=1
- .text:000110C5 call $LN15 ; Finally handler 2 for function 11030
- .text:000110CA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:000110CA
- .text:000110CA loc_110CA: ; CODE XREF: TestSeh():$LN16j
- .text:000110CA jmp short $LN18
- .text:000110CC ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:000110CC
- .text:000110CC $LN15: ; CODE XREF: TestSeh()+95j
- .text:000110CC ; DATA XREF: .rdata:scopetableo
- .text:000110CC mov [ebp+ulVal], 33333330h ; Finally handler 2 for function 11030
- .text:000110D3
- .text:000110D3 $LN16:
- .text:000110D3 retn
- .text:000110D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:000110D4
- .text:000110D4 $LN18: ; CODE XREF: TestSeh():loc_110CAj
- .text:000110D4 mov [ebp+ms_exc.registration.TryLevel], 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:000110DB jmp short loc_110F4
- .text:000110DD ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:000110DD
- .text:000110DD $LN11: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:scopetableo
- .text:000110DD call _Filter_0@0 ; Exception filter 1 for function 11030
- .text:000110E2
- .text:000110E2 $LN13:
- .text:000110E2 retn
- .text:000110E3 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:000110E3
- .text:000110E3 $LN12: ; DATA XREF: .rdata:scopetableo
- .text:000110E3 mov esp, [ebp+ms_exc.old_esp] ; Exception handler 1 for function 11030
- .text:000110E6 mov [ebp+ulVal], 22222220h ; 第二个__except处理
- .text:000110ED mov [ebp+ms_exc.registration.TryLevel], 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:000110F4
- .text:000110F4 loc_110F4: ; CODE XREF: TestSeh()+ABj
- .text:000110F4 mov ecx, [ebp+ms_exc.registration.Next] ; 恢复旧的EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION,从链表中摘除ExceptionRegistration
- ., ecx
- .text:000110FE pop ecx
- .text:000110FF pop edi
- . pop esi
- . pop ebx
- . mov esp, ebp
- . pop ebp
- . retn
- . _TestSeh@0 endp
用WinDbg来看看 scopetable 的内容:
- kd> uf SEHx86!TestSeh
- SEHx86!TestSeh []:
- 91de8030 8bff mov edi,edi
- 91de8032 push ebp
- 91de8033 8bec mov ebp,esp
- 91de8035 6afe push 0FFFFFFFEh
- 91de8037 68c890de91 push offset SEHx86!__safe_se_handler_table+0x8 (91de90c8)
- 91de803c 683081de91 push offset SEHx86!_except_handler4 (91de8130)
- 91de8041 64a100000000 mov eax,dword ptr fs:[00000000h]
- 91de8047 push eax
- 91de8048 83c4f4 add esp,0FFFFFFF4h
- 91de804b push ebx
- 91de804c push esi
- 91de804d push edi
- 91de804e a100a0de91 mov eax,dword ptr [SEHx86!__security_cookie (91dea000)]
- 91de8053 3145f8 ],eax
- 91de8056 33c5 xor eax,ebp
- 91de8058 push eax
- 91de8059 8d45f0 lea eax,[ebp-10h]
- 91de805c 64a300000000 mov dword ptr fs:[00000000h],eax
- 91de8062 8965e8 mov dword ptr [ebp-18h],esp
- 91de8065 c745e400000000
- 91de806c c745fc00000000 ],
- 91de8073 c745e411111111 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],11111111h
- 91de807a c745fcfeffffff ],0FFFFFFFEh
- 91de8081 eb17 jmp SEHx86!TestSeh+0x6a (91de809a)
- SEHx86!TestSeh+0x6a []:
- 91de809a c745fc01000000 ],
- 91de80a1 c745e422222222 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],22222222h
- 91de80a8 c745fc02000000 ],
- 91de80af c745e433333333 mov dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],33333333h
- 91de80b6 8b45e4 mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch]
- 91de80b9 a300000000 mov dword ptr ds:[00000000h],eax
- 91de80be c745fc01000000 ],
- 91de80c5 e802000000 call SEHx86!TestSeh+0x9c (91de80cc)
- 91de80ca eb08 jmp SEHx86!TestSeh+0xa4 (91de80d4)
- SEHx86!TestSeh+0xa4 []:
- 91de80d4 c745fcfeffffff ],0FFFFFFFEh
- 91de80db eb17 jmp SEHx86!TestSeh+0xc4 (91de80f4)
- SEHx86!TestSeh+0xc4 []:
- 91de80f4 8b4df0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
- 91de80f7 6489],ecx
- 91de80fe pop ecx
- 91de80ff 5f pop edi
- 91de8100 5e pop esi
- 91de8101 5b pop ebx
- 91de8102 8be5 mov esp,ebp
- 91de8104 5d pop ebp
- 91de8105 c3 ret
uf Windbg
kd> dd 91de90c8
91de90c8 【fffffffe 00000000 ffffffd4 00000000】 >>>16个字节的空间91de90d8 【fffffffe 91de8083 91de8089】【fffffffe >>>3个socpetable_entry结构 91de90e8 91de80dd 91de80e3】【00000001 0000000091de90f8 91de80cc】 00000000 00000000 0000000091de9108 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000091de9118 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000091de9128 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000091de9138 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000接下来再看系统自己的handler函数
- ; _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION __cdecl _except_handler4(_EXCEPTION_RECORD *ExceptionRecord, _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *EstablisherFrame, _CONTEXT *ContextRecord, void *DispatcherContext)
- . __except_handler4 proc near ; DATA XREF: TestSeh()+Co
- . ; .rdata:___safe_se_handler_tableo
- .
- . ExceptionPointers= _EXCEPTION_POINTERS ptr -14h
- . ScopeTableRecord= dword ptr -0Ch
- . Disposition = dword ptr -
- . Revalidate = byte ptr -
- . ExceptionRecord = dword ptr
- . EstablisherFrame= dword ptr 0Ch
- . ContextRecord = dword ptr 10h
- . DispatcherContext= dword ptr 14h
- .
- . mov edi, edi ; 这里的_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD是编译器增强版,不是wrk中的定义
- . push ebp
- . mov ebp, esp
- . sub esp, 14h
- . push ebx
- . mov ebx, [ebp+EstablisherFrame]
- .text:0001113C push esi
- .] ; scopetable
- . xor esi, ___security_cookie ; 解密scopetable
- . push edi
- . mov eax, [esi]
- . ; BOOLEAN 用来表示是否执行过任何 scopetable_entry::lpfnFilter
- . lea edi, [ebx+10h] ; ebx为ExceptionRigstration,+10h即为_ebp
- . cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:0001115A jz short loc_11169
- .] ; 检验scopetable(1)
- .text:0001115F add ecx, edi
- . xor ecx, [eax+edi] ; cookie
- . call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .
- . loc_11169: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+2Aj
- . mov ecx, [esi+0Ch] ; 检验scopetable(2)
- .]
- .text:0001116F add ecx, edi
- . xor ecx, [eax+edi] ; cookie
- . call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- . mov eax, [ebp+ExceptionRecord]
- .], 66h ; wrk中的定义EXCEPTION_UNWIND equ 00066H
- .text:0001117C ; ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags & EXCEPTION_UNWIND
- .text:0001117C ; 判断是异常处理过程还是展开过程
- . jnz $LN31 ; 展开
- . mov ecx, [ebp+ContextRecord] ; 异常处理过程
- . lea edx, [ebp+ExceptionPointers]
- .], edx ; ebx是第二个参数ExceptionRigstrationRecord,
- .text:0001118C ; [ebx-4]就是前文提到过的xpointers
- .text:0001118F mov ebx, [ebx+0Ch] ; ebx = TryLevel
- . mov [ebp+ExceptionPointers.ExceptionRecord], eax ; 将参数拷贝到自己的函数栈
- . mov [ebp+ExceptionPointers.ContextRecord], ecx
- . cmp ebx, 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:0001119B jz short loc_111FC
- .]
- .text:000111A0
- .text:000111A0 loc_111A0: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+A0j
- .] ; eax=ebx*3
- .+14h] ; 这里的eax*4加上上面的ebx*3,相当于是*12,
- .text:000111A3 ; 为了跳过trylevel个scopetable_entry(大小为12个字节)
- .text:000111A3 ; 然后+14h,为了过上文提到过的10h的一个坑,
- .text:000111A3 ; 即ecx = scopetable[i].lpfnFilter
- .+10h] ; eax = &scopetable[i]
- .text:000111AB mov [ebp+ScopeTableRecord], eax ; ScopeTableRecord存放的就是当前异常
- .text:000111AB ; 的ScopeTableEntry
- .text:000111AE mov eax, [eax] ; eax = scopetable[i].previousTryLevel
- .text:000111B0 mov [ebp+ExceptionRecord], eax
- .text:000111B3 test ecx, ecx
- .text:000111B5 jz short loc_111CB ; ecx =0,即lpfnHandler为NULL,则跳转
- .text:000111B7 mov edx, edi ; edi = _ebp
- .text:000111B9 call @_EH4_CallFilterFunc@8 ; 在函数里面 call ecx,即调用lpfnFilter
- . ; 表示是否执行过 lpfnFilter
- .text:000111C2 test eax, eax ; 检验lpfnHandler函数的返回值
- .text:000111C4 jl short loc_11206 ; 如果是 EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION (-1) 就跳
- .text:000111C6 jg short loc_1120F ; 如果是 EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER (1) 就跳
- .text:000111C8 mov eax, [ebp+ExceptionRecord] ; eax = scopetable[i].previousTryLevel
- .text:000111CB
- .text:000111CB loc_111CB: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+85j
- .text:000111CB mov ebx, eax
- .text:000111CD cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh ; cmp scopetable[i].previousTryLevel, TRYLEVEL_INVALID
- .text:000111D0 jnz short loc_111A0 ; 不为TRYLEVEL_INVALID(-2),跳转,寻找下一个
- .
- .text:000111D6 jz short loc_111FC ; 没有执行过 lpfnFilter,无需进行安全检查
- .text:000111D8
- .text:000111D8 loc_111D8: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+DDj
- .text:000111D8 ; __except_handler4+14Fj
- .text:000111D8 mov eax, [esi]
- .text:000111DA cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh ; 根据 scopetable 空间的第一个DWORD值
- .text:000111DA ; 判断是否需要做进一步的安全检查
- .text:000111DD jz short loc_111EC
- .] ; 检验scopetable完整性(1)
- .text:000111E2 add ecx, edi
- .text:000111E4 xor ecx, [eax+edi] ; cookie
- .text:000111E7 call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .text:000111EC
- .text:000111EC loc_111EC: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+ADj
- .text:000111EC mov ecx, [esi+0Ch] ; 检验scopetable完整性(2)
- .]
- .text:000111F2 add ecx, edi
- .text:000111F4 xor ecx, [edx+edi] ; cookie
- .text:000111F7 call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .text:000111FC
- .text:000111FC loc_111FC: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+6Bj
- .text:000111FC ; __except_handler4+A6j ...
- .text:000111FC mov eax, [ebp+Disposition] ; 函数返回EXCEPTION_EXCUTE_HANDLER (1)
- .text:000111FF pop edi
- . pop esi
- . pop ebx
- . mov esp, ebp
- . pop ebp
- . retn
- . ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .
- . loc_11206: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+94j
- .text:0001120D jmp short loc_111D8
- .text:0001120F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:0001120F
- .text:0001120F loc_1120F: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+96j
- .text:0001120F mov ecx, [ebp+EstablisherFrame] ; 全局展开操作
- . call @_EH4_GlobalUnwind@4 ; _EH4_GlobalUnwind(x)
- . mov eax, [ebp+EstablisherFrame]
- .text:0001121A cmp [eax+0Ch], ebx
- .text:0001121D jz short loc_11231
- .text:0001121F push offset ___security_cookie
- . push edi
- . mov edx, ebx
- . mov ecx, eax
- . call @_EH4_LocalUnwind@16 ; _EH4_LocalUnwind(x,x,x,x)
- .text:0001122E mov eax, [ebp+EstablisherFrame]
- .
- . loc_11231: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+EDj
- . mov ecx, [ebp+ExceptionRecord]
- . mov [eax+0Ch], ecx
- . mov eax, [esi]
- . cmp eax, 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:0001123C jz short loc_1124B
- .]
- . add ecx, edi
- . xor ecx, [eax+edi] ; cookie
- . call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .text:0001124B
- .text:0001124B loc_1124B: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+10Cj
- .text:0001124B mov ecx, [esi+0Ch]
- .]
- . add ecx, edi
- . xor ecx, [edx+edi] ; cookie
- . call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .text:0001125B mov eax, [ebp+ScopeTableRecord]
- .]
- . mov edx, edi
- . call @_EH4_TransferToHandler@8 ; _EH4_TransferToHandler(x,x)
- .
- . $LN31: ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+50j
- . mov edx, 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:0001126D cmp [ebx+0Ch], edx
- . jz short loc_111FC
- . push offset ___security_cookie
- . push edi
- . mov ecx, ebx
- .text:0001127A call @_EH4_LocalUnwind@16 ; _EH4_LocalUnwind(x,x,x,x)
- .text:0001127F jmp loc_111D8
- .text:0001127F __except_handler4 endp
我们假设一系列使用 SEH 的函数调用流程:
func1 -> func2 -> func3,然后在 func3 执行的过程中触发了异常。看看分发异常流程 RtlRaiseException -> RtlDispatchException -> RtlpExecuteHandlerForException
RtlDispatchException 会遍历异常链表,对每个 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION 都调用 RtlpExecuteHandlerForException。 RtlpExecuteHandlerForException 会调用 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::handler,也就是 PassThrough!_except_handler4。如咱们上面分析,该函数内部遍历 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION::scopetable,如果遇到有 scopetable_entry::lpfnFilter 返回 EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER,那么 scopetable_entry::lpfnHandler 就会被调用,来处理该异常。 因为 lpfnHandler 不会返回到 PassThrough!_except_handler4,于是执行完 lpfnHandler 后,就会从 lpfnHandler 之后的代码继续执行下去。也就是说,假设 func3 中触发了一个异常,该异常被 func1 中的 __except 处理块处理了,那 __except 处理块执行完毕后,就从其后的指令继续执行下去,即异常处理完毕后,接着执行的就是 func1 的代码。不会再回到 func2 或者 func3,这样就有个问题,func2 和 func3 中占用的资源怎么办?这些资源比如申请的内存是不会自动释放的,岂不是会有资源泄漏问题?这就需要用到“展开”了。
所谓“展开”就是进行清理,这里的清理主要包含动态分配的资源的清理,栈空间是由 func1 的“mov esp,ebp” 这类操作顺手清理那这个展开工作由谁来完成呢?由 func1 来完成肯定不合适,毕竟 func2 和 func3 有没有申请资源、申请了哪些资源,func1 无从得知。于是这个展开工作还得要交给 func2 和 func3 自己来完成。
全局展开是指针对异常链表中的某一段,局部展开针对指定 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION。用上面的例子来讲,局部展开就是针对 func3 或 func2 (某一个函数)内部进行清理,全局展开就是 func2 和 func3 的局部清理的总和。再归纳一下,局部展开是指具体某一函数内部的清理,而全局展开是指,从异常触发点(func3)到异常处理点(func1)之间所有函数(包含异常触发点 func3)的局部清理的总和。下面来看看wrk中RtlUwind的源代码:
- RtlUnwind (
- IN PVOID ReturnValue
- )
- /*++
- Routine Description:
- This function initiates an unwind of procedure call frames. The machine
- state at the time of the call to unwind is captured in a context record
- and the unwinding flag is set in the exception flags of the exception
- record. If the TargetFrame parameter is not specified, then the exit unwind
- flag is also set in the exception flags of the exception record. A backward
- walk through the procedure call frames is then performed to find the target
- of the unwind operation.
- N.B. The captured context passed to unwinding handlers will not be
- a completely accurate context set for the 386. This is because
- there isn't a standard stack frame in which registers are stored.
- Only the integer registers are affected. The segment and
- control registers (ebp, esp) will have correct values for
- the flat 32 bit environment.
- N.B. If you change the number of arguments, make sure you change the
- adjustment of ESP after the call to RtlpCaptureContext (for
- STDCALL calling convention)
- Arguments:
- TargetFrame - Supplies an optional pointer to the call frame that is the
- target of the unwind. If this parameter is not specified, then an exit
- unwind is performed.
- TargetIp - Supplies an optional instruction address that specifies the
- continuation address of the unwind. This address is ignored if the
- target frame parameter is not specified.
- ExceptionRecord - Supplies an optional pointer to an exception record.
- ReturnValue - Supplies a value that is to be placed in the integer
- function return register just before continuing execution.
- Return Value:
- None.
- --*/
- {
- PCONTEXT ContextRecord;
- CONTEXT ContextRecord1;
- DISPATCHER_CONTEXT DispatcherContext;
- ULONG HighAddress;
- ULONG HighLimit;
- ULONG LowLimit;
- EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord1;
- EXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord2;
- //
- // Get current stack limits.
- //
- RtlpGetStackLimits(&LowLimit, &HighLimit);
- //
- // If an exception record is not specified, then build a local exception
- // record for use in calling exception handlers during the unwind operation.
- //
- if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(ExceptionRecord) == FALSE) {
- ExceptionRecord = &ExceptionRecord1;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionCode = STATUS_UNWIND;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionFlags = ;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionRecord = NULL;
- ExceptionRecord1.ExceptionAddress = _ReturnAddress(); //返回地址
- ExceptionRecord1.NumberParameters = ;
- }
- //
- // If the target frame of the unwind is specified, then set EXCEPTION_UNWINDING
- // flag in the exception flags. Otherwise set both EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND and
- // EXCEPTION_UNWINDING flags in the exception flags.
- //
- if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TargetFrame) == TRUE) {
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= EXCEPTION_UNWINDING;
- } else {
- ExceptionRecord->ExceptionFlags |= (EXCEPTION_UNWINDING |
- }
- //
- // Capture the context.
- //
- ContextRecord = &ContextRecord1;
- RtlpCaptureContext(ContextRecord);
- //
- // Adjust captured context to pop our arguments off the stack
- //
- ContextRecord->Esp += sizeof(TargetFrame) +
- sizeof(TargetIp) +
- sizeof(ExceptionRecord) +
- sizeof(ReturnValue);
- ContextRecord->Eax = (ULONG)ReturnValue;
- //
- // Scan backward through the call frame hierarchy, calling exception
- // handlers as they are encountered, until the target frame of the unwind
- // is reached.
- //
- RegistrationPointer = RtlpGetRegistrationHead();//异常链表头
- while (RegistrationPointer != EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END) {
- //
- // If this is the target of the unwind, then continue execution
- // by calling the continue system service.
- //
- //说明展开完毕
- if ((ULONG)RegistrationPointer == (ULONG)TargetFrame) {
- ZwContinue(ContextRecord, FALSE);
- //
- // If the target frame is lower in the stack than the current frame,
- // then raise STATUS_INVALID_UNWIND exception.
- //
- } else if ( (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(TargetFrame) == TRUE) &&
- ((ULONG)TargetFrame < (ULONG)RegistrationPointer) ) {
- //超出了异常链表的查找范围
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionCode = STATUS_INVALID_UNWIND_TARGET;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
- ExceptionRecord2.NumberParameters = ;
- RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord2);
- }
- //
- // If the call frame is not within the specified stack limits or the
- // call frame is unaligned, then raise the exception STATUS_BAD_STACK.
- // Else restore the state from the specified frame to the context
- // record.
- //
- HighAddress = (ULONG)RegistrationPointer +
- //低于线程栈底或者高于线程栈顶,进行错误处理
- if ( ((ULONG)RegistrationPointer < LowLimit) ||
- (HighAddress > HighLimit) ||
- (((ULONG)RegistrationPointer & )
- ) {
- //
- // Allow for the possibility that the problem occured on the
- // DPC stack.
- //
- ULONG TestAddress = (ULONG)RegistrationPointer;
- //& 0x3 检查是否4字节对齐 ,IRQL级别,如果当前正在执行dpc操作,restart
- ) &&
- KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL) {
- PKPRCB Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb();
- ULONG DpcStack = (ULONG)Prcb->DpcStack;
- if ((Prcb->DpcRoutineActive) &&
- (HighAddress <= DpcStack) &&
- (TestAddress >= DpcStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)) {
- //
- // This error occured on the DPC stack, switch
- // stack limits to the DPC stack and restart
- // the loop.
- //
- HighLimit = DpcStack;
- LowLimit = DpcStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE;
- continue;
- }
- }
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionCode = STATUS_BAD_STACK;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
- ExceptionRecord2.NumberParameters = ;
- RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord2);
- } else { //一般情况的展开
- //
- // The handler must be executed by calling another routine
- // that is written in assembler. This is required because
- // up level addressing of the handler information is required
- // when a collided unwind is encountered.
- //
- //在内部调用Handler处理函数
- Disposition = RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind(
- ExceptionRecord,
- (PVOID)RegistrationPointer,
- ContextRecord,
- (PVOID)&DispatcherContext,
- RegistrationPointer->Handler);
- //
- // Case on the handler disposition.
- //
- //检查Handler的返回值
- switch (Disposition) {
- //
- // The disposition is to continue the search. Get next
- // frame address and continue the search.
- //
- case ExceptionContinueSearch :
- break;
- //
- // The disposition is colided unwind. Maximize the target
- // of the unwind and change the context record pointer.
- //
- case ExceptionCollidedUnwind :
- //
- // Pick up the registration pointer that was active at
- // the time of the unwind, and simply continue.
- //
- RegistrationPointer = DispatcherContext.RegistrationPointer;
- break;
- //
- // All other disposition values are invalid. Raise
- // invalid disposition exception.
- //
- default :
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionCode = STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionFlags = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
- ExceptionRecord2.ExceptionRecord = ExceptionRecord;
- ExceptionRecord2.NumberParameters = ;
- RtlRaiseException(&ExceptionRecord2);
- break;
- }
- //
- // Step to next registration record
- //
- PriorPointer = RegistrationPointer;
- RegistrationPointer = RegistrationPointer->Next;
- //
- // Unlink the unwind handler, since it's been called.
- //
- RtlpUnlinkHandler(PriorPointer);
- //
- // If chain goes in wrong direction or loops, raise an
- // exception.
- //
- }
- }
- if (TargetFrame == EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END) {
- //
- // Caller simply wants to unwind all exception records.
- // This differs from an exit_unwind in that no "exit" is desired.
- // Do a normal continue, since we've effectively found the
- // "target" the caller wanted.
- //
- ZwContinue(ContextRecord, FALSE);
- } else {
- //
- // Either (1) a real exit unwind was performed, or (2) the
- // specified TargetFrame is not present in the exception handler
- // list. In either case, give debugger and subsystem a chance
- // to see the unwind.
- //
- ZwRaiseException(ExceptionRecord, ContextRecord, FALSE);
- }
- return;
- }
wrk RtlUnwind
代码不长,主要功能也不复杂:从异常链表头开始遍历,一直遍历到指定 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD,对每个遍历到的 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD,执行 RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind 进行局部展开。
- .text:00475C9B ; int __stdcall RtlUnwind(int, int, PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord, int)
- .text:00475C9B public _RtlUnwind@16
- .text:00475C9B _RtlUnwind@16 proc near ; CODE XREF: __global_unwind2+13p
- .text:00475C9B ; _EH4_GlobalUnwind(x)+10p
- .text:00475C9B
- .text:00475C9B var_384= dword ptr -384h
- .text:00475C9B var_380= dword ptr -380h
- .text:00475C9B var_37C= dword ptr -37Ch
- .text:00475C9B var_378= EXCEPTION_RECORD ptr -378h
- .text:00475C9B var_328= dword ptr -328h
- .text:00475C9B var_324= dword ptr -324h
- .text:00475C9B var_320= dword ptr -320h
- .text:00475C9B var_31C= dword ptr -31Ch
- .text:00475C9B var_318= dword ptr -318h
- .text:00475C9B Context= CONTEXT ptr -2D8h
- .
- .
- .text:00475C9B ExceptionRecord= dword ptr 10h
- .text:00475C9B arg_C= dword ptr 14h
- .text:00475C9B
- .text:00475C9B 8B FF mov edi, edi
- . push ebp
- .text:00475C9E 8B EC mov ebp, esp
- . E4 F8 and esp, 0FFFFFFF8h
- . EC sub esp, 384h
- . 2A mov eax, ___security_cookie
- . C4 xor eax, esp
- . +mov [esp+384h+var_4], eax
- . push ebx
- . push esi
- . push edi
- . mov edi, [ebp+ExceptionRecord]
- . lea eax, [esp+390h+var_380]
- . push eax
- . lea esi, [esp+394h+var_37C]
- . 3D call _RtlpGetStackLimits@8 ; RtlpGetStackLimits(x,x)
- . C0 test al, al
- . 0A jnz short loc_475CD9
- . C0 push 0C0000028h ; Status
- .text:00475CD4 E8 9B D0 FB FF call _RtlRaiseStatus@4 ; RtlRaiseStatus(x)
- .text:00475CD9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475CD9
- .text:00475CD9 loc_475CD9: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+32j
- . F6 xor esi, esi
- .text:00475CDB 3B FE cmp edi, esi
- . 1F jnz short loc_475CFE
- . ]
- . lea edi, [esp+390h+var_328]
- . +mov [esp+390h+var_328], 0C0000027h
- . 6C mov [esp+390h+var_324], esi
- . mov [esp+390h+var_320], esi
- . mov [esp+390h+var_31C], eax
- . mov [esp+390h+var_318], esi
- .text:00475CFE
- .text:00475CFE loc_475CFE: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+42j
- . cmp [ebp+arg_0], esi
- . jz short loc_475D09
- . 4F ],
- . jmp short loc_475D0D
- .text:00475D09 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475D09
- .text:00475D09 loc_475D09: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+66j
- . 4F ],
- .text:00475D0D
- .text:00475D0D loc_475D0D: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+6Cj
- . B8 +lea eax, [esp+390h+Context]
- . push eax
- . BC +mov [esp+394h+Context.ContextFlags], 10007h
- . FE FF call _RtlpCaptureContext@4 ; RtlpCaptureContext(x)
- . mov eax, [ebp+arg_C]
- . 7C +add [esp+390h+Context._Esp], 10h
- . +mov [esp+390h+Context._Eax], eax
- . FE FF call _RtlpGetRegistrationHead@0 ; RtlpGetRegistrationHead()
- .text:00475D3C 8B D8 mov ebx, eax
- . FB FF cmp ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
- . DC jz loc_475E23
- . F6 xor esi, esi
- . inc esi
- .text:00475D4A
- .text:00475D4A loc_475D4A: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+180j
- . cmp ebx, [ebp+arg_0]
- . jnz short loc_475D60
- . ; TestAlert
- . BC +lea eax, [esp+394h+Context]
- . push eax ; Context
- .text:00475D59 E8 2A D5 FB FF call _ZwContinue@8 ; ZwContinue(x,x)
- .text:00475D5E EB 2A jmp short loc_475D8A
- .text:00475D60 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475D60
- .text:00475D60 loc_475D60: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+B2j
- . 7D
- . jz short loc_475D8A
- . 5D cmp [ebp+arg_0], ebx
- . 1F jnb short loc_475D8A
- .
- . lea eax, [esp+390h+var_378]
- . push eax ; ExceptionRecord
- . 1C +mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionCode], 0C0000029h
- . mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionFlags], esi
- . 7C mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionRecord], edi
- . CF FB FF call _RtlRaiseException@4 ; RtlRaiseException(x)
- .text:00475D8A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475D8A
- .text:00475D8A loc_475D8A: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+C3j
- .text:00475D8A ; RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+C9j
- .text:00475D8A ; RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+CEj
- . cmp ebx, [esp+390h+var_37C]
- . jb short loc_475DF9
- . ]
- . cmp eax, [esp+390h+var_380]
- . ja short loc_475DF9
- .
- . 5B jnz short loc_475DF9
- . ]
- .text:00475DA1 E8 ED A4 FF FF call _RtlIsValidHandler@8 ; RtlIsValidHandler(x,x)
- . C0 test al, al
- . 4F jz short loc_475DF9
- . ]
- . lea eax, [esp+394h+var_384]
- . push eax
- . C0 +lea eax, [esp+398h+Context]
- . push eax
- . push ebx
- . push edi
- .text:00475DBC E8 A7 FF FD FF call _RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind@20 ; RtlpExecuteHandlerForUnwind(x,x,x,x,x)
- . dec eax
- . jz short loc_475DED
- . dec eax
- . dec eax
- . jz short loc_475DE9
- .
- . lea eax, [esp+390h+var_378]
- . push eax ; ExceptionRecord
- . 1C +mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionCode], 0C0000026h
- . mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionFlags], esi
- . 7C mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionRecord], edi
- . CF FB FF call _RtlRaiseException@4 ; RtlRaiseException(x)
- .text:00475DE2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475DE7 EB db 0EBh ;
- . db
- .text:00475DE9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475DE9
- .text:00475DE9 loc_475DE9: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+12Bj
- . 0C mov ebx, [esp+390h+var_384]
- .text:00475DED
- .text:00475DED loc_475DED: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+127j
- .text:00475DED 8B C3 mov eax, ebx
- .text:00475DEF 8B 1B mov ebx, [ebx]
- . push eax
- . FE FF call _RtlpUnlinkHandler@4 ; RtlpUnlinkHandler(x)
- .text:00475DF7 EB 1F jmp short loc_475E18
- .text:00475DF9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475DF9
- .text:00475DF9 loc_475DF9: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+F3j
- .text:00475DF9 ; RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+FCj
- .text:00475DF9 ; RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+101j
- .text:00475DF9 ; RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+10Dj
- .
- . lea eax, [esp+390h+var_378]
- . push eax ; ExceptionRecord
- . 1C +mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionCode], 0C0000028h
- . mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionFlags], esi
- . 7C mov [esp+394h+var_378.ExceptionRecord], edi
- . CF FB FF call _RtlRaiseException@4 ; RtlRaiseException(x)
- .text:00475E18 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475E18
- .text:00475E18 loc_475E18: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+15Cj
- . FB FF cmp ebx, 0FFFFFFFFh
- . FF FF FF jnz loc_475D4A
- . F6 xor esi, esi
- .text:00475E23
- .text:00475E23 loc_475E23: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+A6j
- . 7D FF cmp [ebp+arg_0], 0FFFFFFFFh
- . push esi ; SearchFrames
- . BC +lea eax, [esp+394h+Context]
- . push eax ; Context
- . jnz short loc_475E39
- . D4 FB FF call _ZwContinue@8 ; ZwContinue(x,x)
- . jmp short loc_475E3F
- .text:00475E39 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:00475E39
- .text:00475E39 loc_475E39: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+195j
- . push edi ; ExceptionRecord
- .text:00475E3A E8 C5 E4 FB FF call _ZwRaiseException@12 ; ZwRaiseException(x,x,x)
- .text:00475E3F
- .text:00475E3F loc_475E3F: ; CODE XREF: RtlUnwind(x,x,x,x)+19Cj
- . 8C +mov ecx, [esp+390h+var_4]
- .text:00475E46 5F pop edi
- .text:00475E47 5E pop esi
- .text:00475E48 5B pop ebx
- . CC xor ecx, esp
- . FE FF call @__security_check_cookie@4 ; __security_check_cookie(x)
- .text:00475E50 8B E5 mov esp, ebp
- .text:00475E52 5D pop ebp
- . retn 10h
- .text:00475E53 _RtlUnwind@16 endp
asm RtlUnwind
- .text:000113C8 ; int __fastcall _EH4_LocalUnwind(_EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *EstablisherFrame, int TryLevel, int FrameEBP, int *CookiePointer)
- .text:000113C8 @_EH4_LocalUnwind@16 proc near ; CODE XREF: __except_handler4+F9p
- .text:000113C8 ; __except_handler4+14Ap
- .text:000113C8
- .
- .
- .text:000113C8
- .text:000113C8 push ebp
- .+FrameEBP] ; 切换ebp准备局部展开
- .text:000113CD push edx ; TryLevel
- .text:000113CE push ecx ; EstablisherFrame
- .text:000113CF push [esp+0Ch+CookiePointer] ; CookiePointer
- .text:000113D3 call __local_unwind4
- .text:000113D8 add esp, 0Ch
- .text:000113DB pop ebp
- .
- .text:000113DC @_EH4_LocalUnwind@16 endp
- text:0001128C ; int __cdecl _local_unwind4(int *CookiePointer, _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD *EstablisherFrame, int TryLevel)
- .text:0001128C __local_unwind4 proc near ; CODE XREF: _unwind_handler4+2Dp
- .text:0001128C ; _seh_longjmp_unwind4(x)+10p ...
- .text:0001128C
- .text:0001128C var_20 = dword ptr -20h
- .
- .
- .text:0001128C TryLevel = dword ptr 0Ch
- .text:0001128C
- .text:0001128C push ebx
- .text:0001128D push esi
- .text:0001128E push edi
- .text:0001128F mov edx, [esp+0Ch+CookiePointer]
- . mov eax, [esp+0Ch+EstablisherFrame]
- . mov ecx, [esp+0Ch+TryLevel]
- .text:0001129B push ebp
- .text:0001129C push edx
- .text:0001129D push eax
- .text:0001129E push ecx
- .text:0001129F push ecx
- .text:000112A0 push offset _unwind_handler4 ; Handler,局部展开发生异常时调用
- .
- .text:000112AC mov eax, ___security_cookie
- .text:000112B1 xor eax, esp
- .text:000112B3 mov [esp+28h+var_20], eax
- ., esp ; 安装新的SEH
- .text:000112BE
- .text:000112BE _lu_top: ; CODE XREF: __local_unwind4+64j
- .text:000112BE ; __local_unwind4+80j
- .text:000112BE mov eax, [esp+28h+EstablisherFrame]
- .] ; 获取ScopeTable
- .text:000112C5 mov ecx, [esp+28h+CookiePointer]
- .text:000112C9 xor ebx, [ecx] ; 解密scopetable
- .text:000112CB mov esi, [eax+0Ch] ; 获取TryLevel
- .text:000112CE cmp esi, 0FFFFFFFEh ; 判断是否遍历完毕
- .text:000112D1 jz short _lu_done
- .text:000112D3 mov edx, [esp+28h+TryLevel]
- .text:000112D7 cmp edx, 0FFFFFFFEh
- .text:000112DA jz short loc_112E0
- .text:000112DC cmp esi, edx ; 判断当前__try是否在EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER的__try语句里层
- .text:000112DE jbe short _lu_done
- .text:000112E0
- .text:000112E0 loc_112E0: ; CODE XREF: __local_unwind4+4Ej
- .]
- .+10h] ; 和_except_handler4中作用一样,不过这里是+0x10,取scopetable
- .text:000112E7 mov ecx, [ebx]
- .text:000112E9 mov [eax+0Ch], ecx ; 使当前异常帧指向上一个__try语句,也就是移除当前异常帧指向的
- .],
- .text:000112F0 jnz short _lu_top
- .text:000112F2 push 101h
- .]
- .text:000112FA call __NLG_Notify
- .
- . ]
- . call __NLG_Call ; 进入__finally块处理
- .text:0001130C jmp short _lu_top ; 遍历上一个__try/__except(或__finally)
- .text:0001130E ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .text:0001130E
- .text:0001130E _lu_done: ; CODE XREF: __local_unwind4+45j
- .text:0001130E ; __local_unwind4+52j
- .
- . add esp, 18h
- . pop edi
- . pop esi
- .text:0001131A pop ebx
- .text:0001131B retn
- .text:0001131B __local_unwind4 endp
- /**
- *
- * 操作系统原始的SEH异常帧结构
- * _except_handler Handler;
- * }
- *
- * SEH异常处理函数原型
- * struct _EXCEPTION_RECORD *_ExceptionRecord,
- * void * _EstablisherFrame,
- * struct _CONTEXT *_ContextRecord,
- * void * _DispatcherContext
- * );
- *
- * C/C++编译器扩展SEH的异常帧结构:
- * [ebp-18] ESP
- * [ebp-14] PEXCEPTION_POINTERS xpointers;
- * [ebp-10] struct _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION *Prev;
- * [ebp-0C] PEXCEPTION_ROUTINE Handler;
- * [ebp-08] struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE *ScopeTable;
- * [ebp-04] int TryLevel;
- * [ebp-00] int _Ebp;
- * };
- *
- * C/C++运行库使用的SCOPE TABLE结构
- * struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE {
- * DWORD GSCookieOffset;
- * DWORD GSCookieXOROffset;
- * DWORD EHCookieOffset;
- * DWORD EHCookieXOROffset;
- * struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE_RECORD ScopeRecord;
- * };
- *
- * DWORD EnclosingLevel; //上一层__try块
- * PVOID FilterFunc; //过滤表达式
- * union
- * {
- * PVOID HandlerAddress; //__except块代码
- * PVOID FinallyFunc; //__finally块代码
- * };
- * };
- *
- * 参数说明:
- * CookiePointer - 安全码所在地址,用于解密异常帧的ScopeTable.
- * EstablisherFrame - 当前异常帧结构
- * TryLevel - __try/__except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)所在的__try
- *
- **/
- int __cdecl _local_unwind4(int *CookiePointer,
- int TryLevel
- )
- {
- //安装SEH,_local_unwind4局部展开发生异常时调用
- __asm push _unwind_handler4
- __asm push dword ptr fs:[]
- __asm mov fs:[],esp
- //解密ScopeTable
- struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE * pScopeTable = EstablisherFrame->ScopeTable ^ (*CookiePointer);
- struct _EH4_SCOPETABLE_RECORD * pScopeRecord = &pScopeTable->ScopeRecord;
- //当前异常帧不存在__try块,退出!
- while(EstablisherFrame->TryLevel != 0xFFFFFFFE)
- {
- //越里层的__try其TryLevel值越高,捕获异常的__try通常在引发异常__try的外层
- //这里判断当前异常帧指向的__try的TryLevel值是否正常.
- if(EstablisherFrame->TryLevel!=0xFFFFFFFE && EstablisherFrame->TryLevel <= TryLevel) break;
- //移除当前__try/__except(__finally)信息,使其指向上一层__try块
- EstablisherFrame->TryLevel = pScopeRecord->EnclosingLevel;
- //__except过滤表达式存在,也就是__finally块不存在,向上一层__try/__except(__finally)遍历
- if(pScopeRecord->FilterFunc) continue;
- //作用未知!
- __NLG_Notify();
- //进入__finally块处理
- pScopeRecord->FinallyFunc();
- }
- //恢复SEH
- __asm pop dword ptr fs:[]
- }
1. 在异常处理过程中,每个被"卷入是非"的异常都至少会遍历异常链表两次(如果发生嵌套异常,比如在展开过程中 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD::Handler 又触发异常,则会遍历更多次。不过这也可以算作是一个新异常了。看如何理解。)。 一次是在 RtlDispatchException 中,遍历的目的是找到愿意处理该异常的 _EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD。 另一次是在展开过程中、RtlUnwind 函数内,遍历的目录是为了对每个遍历到的 EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD 进行局部展开。 2. 同样的,每个被"卷入是非"的异常的 scopetable 也会被遍历至少两次, 一次是在 modulename!_except_handler? 中,遍历目的也是找到愿意处理该异常的 scopetable_entry。 另一次是在展开过程中、_local_unwind4 函数内,遍历的目的是找到所有指定范围内的 scopetable_entry::lpfnFilter 为 NULL 的 scopetable_entry,调用它们的 lpfnHandler (即 __finally 处理块)。转载()